Your partner for real estate in the south - from Bavaria to Sardinia

A mountain or alpine hut in South Tyrol, an idyllic country house in the land of the mountains, a "rustico" in Tuscany or an exclusive villa in Sardinia? If you would like to sell or rent out your property abroad, we are the right partner for you. At 9045 REAL ESTATE we are specialised in the core regions of Southern Germany, Austria and Italy and are at your side with in-depth real estate expertise and intercultural support.

Property profile with professional photography


Both the descriptions and the exterior and interior photos are important to arouse the interest of prospective buyers and tenants. We create professional profiles for your property using professional photographers. Whether a charming apartment in Southern Germany, a farm in Tuscany or a stylish villa on Lake Garda.

Our aim in creating the property profile is to present your property as attractively and authentically as possible. The more comprehensively and realistically interested parties can gain impressions of a property in advance, the more positive the viewing appointments and subsequent sales talks will be.

Professionally managed real estate sales

Selling a property can be a challenge for inexperienced owners. In the case of a holiday property or property abroad, a lack of specialist knowledge of legal requirements or language barriers can make the sale even more difficult. As real estate agents specialising in Southern Germany, Austria and Italy, we are exactly the right contact for the professional sale of your property in Bavaria, on Lake Garda or in Tuscany.

We offer you a professional package: if desired a realistic valuation, professionally conducted viewings, intercultural support and transparent advice on all important questions concerning the sale of your property.

Real estate rental with reliable advice

Beratung mit Makler

Finding a tenant, taking care of the handover of the property and other matters: these are difficult challenges for owners who do not live locally. If you would like to rent out a property in Southern Germany, Austria or Italy, let us take care of it. Our real estate specialists offer you assistance with all arising tasks, introduce you to financially sound tenants and save you time during the handover.

Letting properties professionally not only reduces the risk of renting to tenants who are not solvent, but also of suffering financial disadvantages or overlooking legal requirements.

Our network for owners - strong in all core regions

You don't live in Bavaria or on Lake Garda, where your holiday property is located? Then you need to be able to rely on strong partners. We are happy to connect you with our local network, such as notaries and local trades. This saves you having to search for service providers in the respective region and the worry of not locating the right notary, trader or bank advisor.

Would you like to get to know us? Please feel free to call us or use our contact form.

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